Any questions?

Listed below are the answers to some additional questions you may have. Click the question to expand its answer. Do you have a question not listed here? Use the Contact Us form and we’ll get you an answer!

What are your COVID protocols and mask requirements?

Aspen Park takes the health of every attendee very seriously. Seating throughout the Worship Center and Education Building is arranged to follow social distancing guidelines. Masks are required for all events in the Education Building, including Bible Studies and all kids' and students activities. They are highly recommended during the Worship service.

How big is the church?


What should I wear?

Wear whatever makes you comfortable! Dress at Aspen Park is casual.

What is there for my kids?

Aspen Park has opportunities for kids of all ages. All classrooms for kids are grouped together in the northern wing of the Education Building.

For babies from birth to three years old, our nursery operates during the 10:30 service on Sundays.

Additionally, preschool aged children (3 years to Kindergarten) take part in Children's Church during the 10:30 service on Sundays.

Aspen Park Kids is for grades 1-6 and meet twice a week at the church. Sunday Mornings at 10:30 and Wednesday nights at 6:15 .......{expand]

412 Students is for teenagers in grades 7-12. They meet each Wednesday at 6:15 and ...{expand}

To learn more, visit the Children's and Students ministry pages

Possible Questions
Ideas from other sites

What are your covid protocols/mask requirements?

Who goes to your church? How big is the church?

What time is your Sunday worship service? How can I view services online?

What will happen on my first visit? / Where is it located? / Where should I park? / Where should I enter the building?

Do you have to dress up to attend your worship service?

What do you offer for children on Sunday morning? What do you offer for babies and toddlers?

What is 412 Students/Aspen Park Kids? What will my child do there?

[What kind of things do you do in your worship service? / What is the service like? What kind of music do you sing? / What is the preaching like? How long is the service?]

How does communion work/ Can a visitor take communion?

Who are your ministers?

What kind of adult education/spiritual growth opportunities do you offer?

What kind of outreach is the church involved in?

Do I Have to Give Money? How can I give?

How do I join? / What is the Baptism process? / With whom do I talk if I want to know more?


Other questions/areas?

Qualifications/membership process,
How is the church governed?
Is the church affiliated with groups (SBC, BGCO, etc.)?
What is your denomination affiliation? / What is a Baptist?
What are your beliefs, etc.