2014 APBC Ladies Retreat
“The fruits of the spirit are: love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, faithfulness and self-control.”
Our annual Ladies Retreat will be held at Tulakogee Adult Conference Center on April 25 - 26. It is a time of fellowship, Bible Study and fun. The retreat is open to all women of Aspen Park and their guests. Please feel free to invite friends, family or co-workers to join us. You can download the invitation here.
Guests may arrive beginning at 4:30 PM on Friday, April 25. Our first activity will be dinner, which will be served at 6:00 PM. The retreat's main program will end at 2:00 PM on Saturday. For the first time, we will offer a BONUS Session from 2:30 - 3:30 PM. This will allow those who would like to stay an opportunity for an additional hour of Bible study.
Registration deadline is Sunday, April 13
$69 per person with 3 or 4 in room
$77 per person with 2 in room
$92 per person for private room
Confidential financial assistance is available by contacting Debbie Bell
Have questions? Need a registration form? Ready to sign up and pay registration fee?
See one of the retreat team members listed below.
Deanna Asher
Pam Hookham
Carol Nobles