Aspen Park Building Remodel Project

Your donations help to remodel the kitchen and multi-purpose room.

Planning is underway to give a much needed facelift to older parts of our building.  The upcoming remodel project will revitalize the multipurpose room and modernize the kitchen facilities with the installation of new cabinets, sink, appliances, countertops, as well as replacement of the lighting and flooring. This is an exciting project for the most-used parts of our building that have needed some TLC.

In order to contribute to this great effort, you can give online or in person. Just mark your contribution, 'Remodel Project.' Donations are greatly appreciated. Also be on the lookout for opportunities to volunteer your labor; we are striving to begin work in July and finish by no later than mid-August so as not to disturb our ministries, but some projects will rely on the labor of our members. We are very grateful for any help you can give, whether it is monetary or otherwise.

When complete, members will have a wonderfully refreshed facility in order to enjoy special meals, events, and activities. Use this summer to go on mission here at Aspen Park!