Finding Our Path, Our Voice

The ladies of Aspen Park just simply ran out of time as we warmed up to our discussions that exposed the half-truths of our Enemy, We also encouraged each other to find the path God has set before each of us.

The Bible tells us in Deuteronomy that we have set before us a path that contains blessings and cursings, life and death. Then we are commanded to "choose life." 

It has been my experience that God does not command us anything we cannot follow. We've been commanded to choose life. 

That tells me there is a right path and a wrong path. We can know the difference with God's revelation.

So we all left aware knowing we can find that right path.

Another part of our discussion dealt with wounded women in our lives. We talked about building relationships with these women so they can experience God's love, His desire to bring satisfaction, peace and hope to their lives. 

We encouraged each other to develop relationships with these women so we can be God's listening ear of understanding and help them and inhaling them, we will grow ourselves.

This is just one of the ways we realize we can find our voice within the church and bring our femininity to ministry. 

Our final reminder before we watched our video expanded upon Bro. David's sermon that morning. In our sermon we learned about how God commanded the Israelites to go take Jericho because He had already provided the victory. 

At the beginning of our study in August we learned that "enmity" was established between women and Satan when Eve and Adam ate the fruit forbidden to them.

This week in Ephesians 2:14-6 God showed me how that breach between Him and each of us has been restored. That wall, just like Jericho's, has been torn down.

Paul wrote: "For He Himself is our peace, who has made both ONE, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself ONE NEW MAN from the two, thus making peace, and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby PUTTING TO DEATH THE ENMITY. (emphases are mine)"

We all know the breach between God and humans was restored by the cross. But, don't you see here? The breach between men and women is restored as well. We are allies.

Assignment Read Chapter 5 and complete workbook. You'll want to start this chapter early and the workbook sooner. There are lots of terrific questions included. I can barely wait for us to come together for our next discussion.

Author Note I'm Janet Brister and am facilitating the study. I thought it would be nice to sum up our classes each week and remind those in class what the assignment is, etc.

womenJanet Bristerbible study