Our Response to a World Gone Amok

Lord, send a revival and let it begin in me.

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During troubling times it is more important than ever to turn to seek God. In this response to the recent church shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Bro. David examines Deuteronomy 27-32 to see how we as Christians should respond to this and other tragedies when it seems like the world is off- kilter.

In the wake of catastrophic events it is easy to see that we need a spiritual awakening in our churches, our country, and our lives. Without a spiritual awakening, our world has no hope of getting better! Spiritual awakening is within reach because God wants to send it to us; He is just waiting for our move.  But to bring changes to the country and the church we must welcome spiritual awakening into our lives as individuals and too many are content to live without it.

Being the man or woman of God you've always wanted to be isn't beyond your reach; If you seek Him, He will answer.  The reason we need a spiritual awakening and a return to God is because somewhere along the line we stopped seeking Him. We grew comfortable and complacent. We became compromisers. God is something believers should never stop seeking. Spiritual awakening is the only answer to the evil of this world and it starts by being the person God wants you to be.