Independence Day: Is It Too Late For America?

A 4th of July message looking back on America's past for an indication of our future.

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Is it too late to turn America back to God? Our country needs a revival; it was born in 1776 and the time has come for it to be born again. Our country is unique among the nations of the world: it was founded on the principles of the Word of God. And due to our unique position we can look at the history of Israel for parallels between America today and the Israel of old.

America, like Israel, was a nation planted by God. Our government, our doctrines, our beliefs, and our heritage all depend on the foundation of God's Holy Word. Because of this, God protects us here in the United States from harm. Despite our wars and conflicts God's providence has remained with us and brought us victory.  But in America, as in Israel, we have a problem of spiritual sterility. People claim to follow Jesus but don't live in a way to show it. We must take care not to follow Israel's path to lost power, status, and respect. America can still serve as a beacon of God's goodness to the rest of the world.