What Jesus' Resurrection Tells Us About God

Luke 24:1-8

If all you had to build your beliefs about God were based solely on the references to the resurrection of Jesus in the Bible, what could you infer about God? There are a few aspects of God that are apparent through the resurrection of Jesus.

  1. God always keeps His word. The credibility of God hung in the balance— the coming of a messiah and His resurrection had been prophesied. If Jesus had not risen from the grave as God said He would, our faith as Christians would be useless. But because Jesus was risen we can see that God keeps His word. What does that mean for us? It means there is no need for fear, worry, or anxiety; you can cast all your cares on God and trust that He will keep His word.

  2. God does His best work on our behalf in the midst of our most difficult of times. God’s work is continuous and is working in our lives at this very moment:

    1. God is directing circumstances right now to make difficult times in your life become a benefit to you.

    2. The Holy Spirit and Jesus are praying for you right now.

    3. God promises that there is no circumstance that will ever separate you from God’s love.

    The disciples found this out themselves; desperate and without a hope, they were looking for a militaristic messiah to save them. God, doing his best work in difficult times, brought them a messiah even better. You can always trust that God has a plan for your problems, working His power in your circumstances.