Filtering by: senior adults

Joy Ministries Potluck Lunch
11:30 AM11:30

Joy Ministries Potluck Lunch

  • Aspen Park Baptist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Which football team is the best this year? Find out with Joy Ministries, our senior adult ministry, at their monthly lunch at the church on Tuesday, September 13 at 11:30.

Join in the fun with a tailgate themed potluck! Wear your favorite school colors, come to enjoy picnic-type or finger foods, and represent your team with fun games and great fellowship.

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Joy Ministries Potluck Lunch
11:30 AM11:30

Joy Ministries Potluck Lunch

You're invited to join Joy Ministries, our senior adult ministry, for their monthly lunch at the church on Tuesday, April 12.

This time it's a chicken meal-- we'll purchase the chicken and you bring any sides, salad and deserts you would like to accompany. The meal starts at 11:30 AM, but stay a while afterwards! Following the meal, our seniors will be working together to fill the Easter Eggs with candy for the Easter Egg Hunt. Our senior adults can't wait to see you soon for fellowship, food, and fun!

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Joy Ministries Thanksgiving Lunch
11:30 AM11:30

Joy Ministries Thanksgiving Lunch

You're invited to join Joy Ministries, our senior adult ministry, for their annual Thanksgiving meal at the church on Tuesday, November 9 at 11:30. This year it will be potluck-style, so bring your favorite festive dish to share with others! Please see Sharon Hull to sign up and let her know what you're planning to bring.

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Senior Adult Fellowship Lunch
11:30 AM11:30

Senior Adult Fellowship Lunch

With improving covid conditions, we’re excited to be able to offer our senior adults the opportunity for a lunch fellowship after more than a year away! On Tuesday, April 27 at 11:30 AM, all seniors are invited to share a meal in the Multi-Purpose Room.

For our theme of potluck-style Taco Tuesday, Aspen Park will provide the the taco meat, hard & soft-shelled tortillas, and drinks, while guests bring the extras, like cheese, lettuce, salsa, dessert, etc. Bringing an item is not required but greatly appreciated! If you are bringing something, please let us know by signing up at the link below so we get enough of each topping. Please bring enough of your chosen item for approximately 20 people.

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Senior Adult Fellowship
1:00 PM13:00

Senior Adult Fellowship

Aspen Park will be holding our first Senior Adult Fellowship of the new year on Tuesday, February 23 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. The Valentine-themed afternoon will have fun games and activities for seniors, with dessert and coffee provided by the church. As always, we will be socially distanced and wearing masks.

If you are planning to attend, click here to sign up. If you have questions or would like to call in instead, you can reach the office at 918-455-2100.

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Senior Adult Fellowship
1:00 PM13:00

Senior Adult Fellowship

Aspen Park will be having a special time for our seniors to gather and fellowship safely on Tuesday, July 14 from 1:00-3:00. Meet in in the Multi-purpose Room, where the church will provide coffee and desserts. Be sure to bring games if you would like to stay and play with your church friends!

Click here to sign up if you are planning to attend so we can know attendance for arranging seating with social distance. If you have questions or would like to call in instead, you can reach the office at 918-455-2100.

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Joy Ministries Potluck Luncheon
11:30 AM11:30

Joy Ministries Potluck Luncheon

Joy Ministries will host a potluck luncheon on May 14th at 11:30 AM in the Multi-purpose Room.  Our guest speaker will be Lori Fulbright, an investigative reporter and news anchor from the News on 6 Television Station. Guests are welcome to join us for a special luncheon with delicious food and a great time for fellowship with Christian friends.

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Senior Thanksgiving Outreach
5:00 PM17:00

Senior Thanksgiving Outreach

Thanksgiving Ministry Opportunity

We have had such a great response from our Thanksgiving outreach in previous years that we are doing it again, and we need you to make this happen!

Wednesday, November 15, we are inviting several Sr. Living Facilities to be our guests while we serve them a Thanksgiving meal. We need your help to prepare the food, set up, serve and tear down. Sign-up sheets will be in the Worship Center lobby after the service starting October 22.

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