When Time Began
Sunday night the women of Aspen Park Baptist Church and their friends gathered to begin the Bible study "Fight Like a Girl."
it began with a fun time of getting acquainted and learning a bit about each other and the interests we have in common.
Author Note I'm Janet Brister and am facilitating the study. I thought it would be nice to sum up our classes each week and remind those in class what the assignment is, etc.
It's not too late to join our Bible study. We meet from 5:00-6:30 pm (roughly) and keep a pretty fast pace. If you need childcare, let us know. I think we can arrange something!
Not only were daughters in the room but we had aunts, cousins, sisters, mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers, great aunts, wives, step-mothers, step-daughters, and the list goes on.
The assignment we are all working on this week is to read the first chapter and complete exercises for the session "You Fight Like a Girl."
"What If I Don't Like Women" is the topic for Sessions 2. Photo by Elena Kozlova/iStock / Getty Images
One of the most amazing facts that came out of this study was the beginning of "time". I've been thinking about what our teacher said about God introducing time when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. You know, God isn't bound by time. He's everywhere at any time. But He had to put a limit on Satan's dominion and thus introduced time as a finite thing with a beginning and an end.
nother take away is remembering that men and women were created for dominion - not domination - and that we are allies not opponents. How the true enemy is Satan - the Prince of the Air, the father of lies, the once-serpent-turned-dragon revealed in Genesis and Revelation.
We learned the definition of "Enmity" is irreconcilable hostilities. A reality that is much greater than simple irreconcilable differences. This is a deep, growing opposition that is growing between Satan and the seed of women.
But God (I love that phrase) created us with a purpose we seem to have forgotten. To declare the HAPPY NEWS!
We have been redeemed.
We have a discussion going on our women's Facebook page.
See you next Sunday as we discuss all we learned this week and preview Session 2: "What If I Don't Like Women?"
Bring your voice!