The Gift of Love

The Greatest Gift of All

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Christmas is truly the season of gift giving, which reminds us of the greatest gift ever given, the gift of Jesus Christ Himself. Bro. David concludes his sermon series The Gifts of Christmas and explores Romans 5:5 to see how we can unwrap the gift of love given to us by God.

The Great Commandment is the key to Jesus's teachings and His love for us.  Because love came down to us through Jesus, we want all people to come to the knowledge of the Lord.  Love for God and others is the heart of the Great Commandment.

God wants absolute and pure love and devotion expressed toward Him, and consequently to all people on Earth. However, it is perhaps impossible to love strangers, neighbors, or even yourself as fully and completely as God commands. God's ultimate love is not limited like human love; it is not impatient, boastful, proud, rude, or self-seeking; it is not easily angered, keeps no records of wrongs, and doesn't delight in evil.  God pours perfect love into our hearts, love that rejoices in truth, always protects, trusts, hopes, preserves, and never fails.

But because of Jesus Christ you can love other people that way too. This generous love is a gift by God's grace.  God will control every area of your life if you allow Him to and if you consistently feed your spiritual life.  The love that God poured into us allows us to fully love God and others the same way God loves us. Have you received God's gift of love? That's what Christmas is all about.

Other sermons in this series: