Seven Dunks in Muddy Water

Faith that doesn't lead to obedience to God isn't faith at all

Continuing our series of messages on the life of Elisha, A Life of Amazing Faith, in 2 Kings 5:1-19 we see perhaps the most popular and well known story of Elisha's life. The story of Naaman is a story of the salvation and spiritual healing that takes place only through Jesus Christ.

Naaman was a gentile general who was great in the eyes of men because he had bravery, valor, and many victories in battle. His status had earned him great wealth and power, but unfortunately he was a victim of the terrible affliction of leprosy. This indicates that the problem of sin cannot be overcome by hard work, career successes, or worldly position.

Elisha's recommendation to Naaman was to go and immerse himself in the Jordan River seven times. Naaman had imagined that the prophet would touch him and heal him, and he was furious at the suggestion, which was not at all what he expected. His pride was enormous and he didn't like the instructions he received. Feeling insulted, he hated the implication that he was unclean, and that the river in Israel was better than his home rivers in Damascus.

His pride was almost his undoing, but his servants managed to calm him down and talk some sense into him. When he obeyed the lord's command and dunked himself in the river seven times, he was miraculously healed. It is only when we give up our own way that will be ready to follow the Lord's way. By his obedience, Naaman demonstrated faith in God's promise and God cleansed Him of his leprosy and sin. It was a twofold miracle: God gave Naaman what his leprosy took away and restored him through Naaman's complete obedience. To be truly faithful to God, you must put aside your pride and be obedient, even if things go differently than you expect.

Other sermons in this series: