A Farewell to Friends

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How do you say farewell to friends? Bro. David looks to the Word of God's example in his final message as pastor of Aspen Park. In Acts 20:15-38 we find another pastor saying his final farewell to his friends. The message Bro. David would like to leave Aspen Park with is the same message that Paul give to his friends in Ephesus. Moving forward as a church, he calls upon us to keep in mind these recommendations. It's easy to be faithful when things are going well, but it's another thing when things aren't going so well. Unwavering faith will put our church on the right track for the future.

Stay faithful in the work: It's your faithfulness that ensures that God's work will not only continue, but succeed. The stage is set at Aspen Park to continue impacting our community with continued dedication to missions.

Stay faithful to the Word: When Paul preached, he didn't say the things that people wanted to hear, he said things they needed to hear! Thank you to Aspen Park for continuing to stand up for the Bible. Stay strong as churches are put under more pressure in the future.

Stay faithful in your witness: Witness is not witness without including your repentance and faith. Repentance requires turning your life toward God and away from sin, while faith is exercising God's word and actively doing it. Follow God's command to the church to go and share your witness with the lost.

Stay faithful in your watch: Keep an eye on your walk with God and watch out for those among you who would divide, derail, or destroy the fellowship of the church. 

 Acts 20: 36 And when he had said these things, he knelt down and prayed with them all.

Bro. David closes the sermon in prayer.