The Church at Pergamum

Aspen Park has been moving forward to find out what we are and what we're going to do about it; Using the churches of Revelation as a template to recognize characteristics of our own church, we have been studying to find out what Jesus had to say and how it applies to us. This week we look at Pergamum from Revelation 2:12-17.

The city of Pergamum (or Pergamus, Pergamos) was a center of political power and of pagan worship. Its most notable features were an enormous library and a massive statue and altar of Zeus. When Jesus wrote to the church in this town, He saw that they had held fast in their belief in God, despite outside forces. Jesus knew the church was in a difficult situation, surrounded as it was by sin on all sides. He commended them for their continued faith against the culture around them. He saw they kept Jesus's name.

However, the church was strong in their belief, but not in their practice. In the Christian faith there are a number of disagreements, from variations in the frequency of the Lord's supper to the differences of opinion surrounding baptism.  These differences are ultimately minor, and aren't a cause for concern.  But there are ideas so vital and intrinsic to the faith that they must not be compromised, for example, the divinity and holiness of Jesus Christ.

False teachings had taken a foothold at the church at Pergamum. The church had embraced the world around them and worshiped God in a way contrary to His wishes. Don't allow yourself to be lead to immorality in the name of God. Remember, not all that seems spiritual is biblical. Has Aspen Park allowed worldliness to affect our practice, or do we keep the Bible first in all things we do?

Other sermons in this series: