We Are What We Speak, Part One

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Matthew 12:33-37

What you speak is an accurate reflection of your relationship with God and it directly determines what you release in your life and your relationships— this is the doctrine of confession. We are thinking about confession, not to an intermediary or another believer, but a voiced thought between you and God.

All Christians should check if they have “root rot”— you can be rooted in Christ but still have issues at the point of connection. Check your foundation regarding confession as found in the Bible:

  • To bring into “existence” that which you have spoken

  • To come into agreement. Homologeo, meaning to speak words of agreement.

There are five critical confessions that we make that give us life.

  1. The confession of salvation: We don’t save ourselves simply by saying so, but rather we confess our salvation into existence by proclaiming it. The moment we are born again isn’t the end of the process. We continue to confess our salvation throughout our lives. (Romans 10:9-10)

  2. The confession of discipleship: There is more than telling yourself you’re saved; discipleship means actively learning and following the teachings of a master. Confess to yourself and the world that you follow Jesus Christ. Be proud of your discipleship. (Matthew 10:32-33,  16:13-17 , 26:69-75)

  3. The confession of forgiveness: Telling yourself you’re completely forgiven hinges upon your acknowledgement of your own sin. You can be assured of God’s forgiveness, but first you must homologeo, or speak your agreement with God that you have sinned. How do you know if you have sinned? (1 John 1:8-10)

    - If scripture calls it a sin. Speak your agreement with the sins described in the Bible.
    (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

    - If the Holy Spirit convicts you. Be aware of the other sins you are drawn to recognize.
    (John 16)

Next week we will see the confession of cursing and the confession of blessing.

Other sermons in this series: