Coronavirus Response Updates

Current Schedule Information

10:30 Sundays, Worship Service streaming live on Facebook

Small Group time, consult your group leader or participate in your own time using the provided materials.

6:30 Wednesday nights, Bible Study via Zoom

Coming Back Together
June 7
Reopening Procedures

2 service times

APBC will have two in-person worship opportunities on campus beginning June 7 – 9:00AM & 10:30AM. These worship times will be identical and approximately 50 minutes in length.


No Childcare

During this time, there will be no childcare (nursery or pre-school). Children are welcome in the Worship Center during the worship time but will be sitting with their family.



Masks are recommended but not required. When we wear masks, we help protect ourselves and those around us. Please be courteous.


Symptoms / Fever / Close Contact

If you have fever, have had any symptoms of illness of any kind, or have been in recent contact with someone who has had symptoms; we kindly ask that you refrain from attending for 7 days.


Social Distancing / Seating

APBC will be practicing Social Distancing during this time. Worshippers will be directed to their seats by an usher and the congregation will be dismissed by section at the conclusion of the worship time. Families will be able to sit in groups but distanced from others.


Hand Sanitizing

There will be hand sanitizing stations upon entering the Worship Center. Please utilize the hand sanitizers provided to help prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses.


Building Sanitizing

Before, In-between, and after worship times, APBC will utilize a fogging system to sanitize surfaces. This process including drying must take place without worshippers present.


No Welcome Time

While we are made by our God for fellowship, during this time we will not have our traditional welcome time in the service where we mingle.


Offering Time

Generous giving is also a hallmark of God’s people. APBC wants to continue to emphasize this and provide those opportunities. We encourage you to give online and will also have collection boxes inside the Worship Center by the lobby doors. We will not be passing an offering plate during the worship time.


Invitation and Decision Time

When worship happens (praying, singing, preaching, giving, etc) people are called to respond. We encourage that and want to support any who respond to the Spirit of the Lord during worship. Because of social distancing, we will ask you to complete a decision card in person or online, and we will follow-up with a phone call or the method which you prefer.

A Note from the Pastor

During this time of social distancing, we have had to modify how we interact with each other – with our family, with our neighbors, with our friends, and with our church family. We have used video calls to visit with our loved ones. One daughter has begun writing letters with friends. Another daughter practices color guard with the neighbor across the street, each in their own driveway. At church, our groups have also turned to online and digital methods of discipleship and worship and fellowship. But some things have remained consistent through it all.

1. God is still in charge! – Our Lord reigns even during this time, and He loves us and is watching over each as we continue to follow Him. 1 Peter 5:6-7 says, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your cares on him, because he cares about you.”

2. We are still His Church! – Even though we are apart physically, we are still unified under the banner of Jesus Christ. Each of us is an example to others on behalf of the Body of Christ. Romans 12:5 reminds us, “ In the same way we who are many are one body in Christ and individually members of one another.”

3. God is using you to show His Love! – While the opportunities might look different, you still have a myriad of moments in your life and among the people God places in your path to proclaim the Love of Jesus. Be an encouragement. Be a source of Hope. Point people to Faith in Christ. Be generous as you give to others. We are told in 1 John 4:7, “Dear friends, let us love one another, because love is from God, and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.”

4. People still need a Savior! – While people may be more desperate in the midst of a disaster like this pandemic, their need for a Savior has not changed. Nothing that this world offers will fill the void that sin has created in their lives. But just as before, Jesus can come into a person’s life and show them healing, hope, forgiveness, and salvation. Look for opportunities to show people the Savior. Hebrews 7:25 tell us, “Therefore, he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, since he always lives to intercede for them.”

Let’s be sure to focus on these constant reminders that God is still using us to point to Jesus.

April 23, 2020

First, Thank you each for your support and positive spirit during this unprecedented time. You have been an encouragement to us as leaders but also definitely to one another! Continue to pray for one another and your church, check in on each other, and rest in the promises of God.

Second, Just as the strategy to temporarily move away from in-person worship, discipleship, and fellowship was challenging and full of prayer and study – so too are the steps and decisions when we consider reuniting in-person and returning to some normal activities. Your leadership is doing our best to answer the questions of When? and How? We are listening to the local and state officials and will make determinations based on their guidance.

⦁ We will not meet in-person and will continue our online/digital discipleship and worship including Sunday Morning Worship and Midweek Prayer and Bible Study through at least May 17. We are continually evaluating how we do this and will update you regularly.

⦁ When we are able to begin in-person gatherings of worship, we will take extra precautions in regard to distancing and care for our vulnerable. Those details will be provided to you when we are ready to announce an in-person meeting date.

⦁ Vacation Bible School is currently postponed with a NEW date and schedule to be announced at a later date.

⦁ Falls Creek camp week has also been postponed to July 19-22 and we will have sign-up for camp in the coming weeks. Information on this new schedule is available at

Third, your church is here for you. If you have any needs, please reach out to us. Your staff, deacons, and ministers are praying for you regularly. Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions either!

We love you and are so glad that God allows us to do ministry together!

March 19, 2020

It is with hope and joy that we write to you today! We have confidence in Jesus Christ as the Creator, Savior, and Sustainer that we are cared for and provided for in everything. The situation that we currently find ourselves challenges us to grab ahold of opportunities to do ministry in ways that we may find different or even uncomfortable. Pray for our community, those who are sick, your government leaders, your church leaders, and each other.

As you know, local and regional, state and federal governments at the guidance of the CDC have listed guidelines that would make it unwise to meet in person as a church. While various timelines have been given, we have currently cancelled all in-person activities through April 5, but as with all things in this situation, please remain flexible to updates and future changes.

1. Sunday Worship – We are eager to produce and provide a time of worship during our normal time at 10:30AM. Here are some tips to make this time effective:

  • Gather as a family and worship together

  • Turn off distractions.

  • Share the video on Facebook and social media. Send out a text to friends and family. We are all going to need Spiritual nourishment during this time.

  • Sing along, participate in prayer, get your Bible out, be intentional in worship.

  • Discuss with others what you have heard.

2. Small Group Discipleship – During this time, we want you to keep in touch with your small groups and continue to disciple each other through the studying of the Word.

  • We will focus in on our “Explore the Bible” study that some of our groups are using. While some groups may have been using other material, APBC is going to be sending everyone material and videos on a weekly basis.

  • Continue to dialogue and communicate with your group. (you could even use a video chat)

“How is God speaking to you?”

“What are you learning?”

“What truths have you seen in the lessons and through Bible reading?”

3. Midweek Bible Study – Starting on March 25th we will have a Midweek Bible Study on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 that you can participate in from your home.

  • We will try to use the Zoom Video Conference application/website to conduct this.

  • You can use your smartphone or computer to connect via video and/or voice.

  • You can also call in with your phone and just listen and comment via audio.

  • A separate email will be sent with instructions, login info, etc.

  • Video of this study will be recorded and posted after the fact.

4. Deacon Ministry – Our deacon ministry has been hard at work to communicate and make themselves available to all of our members. Dr. Cameron has communicated specifically and directly with the Deacons.

  • Please let your family’s deacon know if you have specific prayer requests, needs, or questions. They will do their best to assist.

  • The deacons are there to serve, but please understand that they have many families to watch over and cannot do all of your chores.

5. Giving – It is important now more than ever that we consider God’s command for Christians to practice generosity. Not only in your tithes and offerings that keep the ministry of Aspen Park going strong, but also in the ways that we all care for those around us – freely giving time to care for others, helping your neighbor, using resources to assist those that are struggling.

  • Your church is being extremely mindful of spending and will continue to steward with great diligence the resources that you have entrusted to our church.

  • You may give via check by sending it to the church office.

  • You may also give via our website at

  • Text giving is available by sending the text “APBCBA (amount)” to 73256

6. Meeting Needs – If you know of specific needs in church members’ lives or even others within our community, please communicate that with your deacon, small group leader (Sunday School teacher), or the office so that we can do our best to help everyone during this time of uncertainty.

  • If our elderly need groceries or household goods, we would like to help them with that.

  • If there are other minor tasks or errands that someone might need…

  • We will do our best to point people to resources that might be able to help in other ways.

  • Those that would like to help when needs are presented, please message us.

March 16, 2020

Members and Guests,

As many of you have heard, Dr. Cameron shared that we would be cancelling all services, Bible studies and events until further notice. We have made the decision for now to cancel or postpone all events calendared through the first week of April. We are planning to do the Spring Cleanup around the church without the breakfast. However, this is subject to cancellation as more information comes in.

Please know we continue to monitor daily and as we said previously, we will be fluid in our evaluation of the schedule. All decisions made will be in the best interest of the health and well-being of our Church family and guests.

Please continue to pray for our Church and leadership as together we face these challenges ahead concerning this health crisis.

We will continue to keep office hours for now so if you have any needs, please contact Dr. Cameron or Tami at the contact information below.

Watch for updates on Facebook and Twitter.

Join us Sunday morning @ 10:30 live on Facebook!             

Church- 918-455-2100

Dr. Cameron- 

Tami Dobbs-   

March 14, 2020

Members and Guests of Aspen Park,

Dr. Cameron and I have met to discuss our plan of action concerning the threat of the coronavirus in our Country, State and City, and what this means for our church. We have been closely watching our state and city governments responses as well as our President and Health authorities. With this in mind we have made a decision to have a 10:30 service only on Sunday 3/15. There will be no Sunday School or evening events. Wednesday evening 3/18 events will be canceled as well.

Please know we are not trying to cause panic or fear but instead we want to be proactive in doing our part to provide a safe environment and give an element of protection to those in our church family who would be most affected by this illness.

If you are feeling ill or uncertain about coming to church please stay home and watch the service live on facebook.

We will continue to monitor daily and be fluid in our schedule. Dr. Cameron and I will continue to update you as these changes come.

Please share this with anyone you know who may not have access to email. If you have any questions or concerns email us.

God has not given us the spirit of fear...

Dr. Cameron & Tami

March 12, 2020



Since there are growing concerns regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to let you know how Aspen Park is responding.

As we make our own plans, we encourage you to heed the advice of the CDC and for alerts, and warnings, and to take common-sense precautions in daily life.

We are committed to doing everything we can to continue to provide a safe place for our church family and community.

We believe our response should not be panic, but we should exercise caution and be mindful of our most vulnerable. As of right now we will continue to hold regular services and events.

Out of consideration for our most vulnerable, welcome time will be suspended for the time being. Our time of offering will be at the end of the service, plates will be placed on a table in the lobby, to prevent touching the plates. You may also go to our website     or you may also give through text giving,  text to “73256” church keyword “APBCBA”. We will continue to evaluate and make changes should the need arise.

We are asking that those of you have a higher risk for infection to please take precautions to protect yourself, even if that means staying home. If you are well, come worship with us! This is an exciting season in the life of our church family, and we’re looking forward to the weeks leading up to Easter weekend as well. We always want you to feel welcome, but if you are sick, please stay home.

We do stream the full service on Facebook for anyone who cannot be in attendance. You can find us at You can also go to  for an audio of just the sermon, it is usually posted by Monday afternoon.

Symptoms and Recommendations of CDC

Patients with COVID-19 have had mild to severe respiratory illness with symptoms of

  • fever

  • cough

  • shortness of breath

People can help protect themselves from respiratory illness with everyday preventive actions.  

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.

If you are sick, to keep from spreading the virus

  • Stay home when you are sick.

  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Like any other situation we face we put our trust and hope in our Lord and Savior to provide for our protection.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.

2 Timothy 1:7 (CSB)

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