Posts tagged psalm 1
Grow - Part 4

What happens when we stagnate, or grow in ways counter to God’s call? Take it as a warning, if you are not growing and prospering in the Lord, you are instead like a dead, dried up tree. Without rooting God as your source of life, in hard times you will wither away with no foundation.

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Grow - Part 3

What happens when we stagnate, or grow in ways counter to God’s call? Take it as a warning, if you are not growing and prospering in the Lord, you are instead like a dead, dried up tree. Without rooting God as your source of life, in hard times you will wither away with no foundation.

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Grow - Part 2

Throughout the rest of the year we will be focusing three main aspects for growing in Christ.

Are you growing in the Lord? God desires His relationship with you to be a growing one. He gives us opportunities to grow from a good foundation and allows us to prosper. If you need improvement in this area, you can remember and focus on these aspects of growth: PLANT-PURPOSE-PRODUCE.

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Like the growing tree planted beside a flowing stream, we embark on our yearlong exploration of the theme, “Grow”. Through this series we will focus on growing in Christ, being discipled, doing what God has called us to do, and how to put into practice the things we have learned. By taking care of the conditions we surround ourselves in, we can grow honor God in a way that bears fruit.

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