The Church God Builds: Ministry

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Colossians 3:12-17

The Church that God Builds is a six-part series as part of of Aspen Park’s transition plan. The Transition Team is structured as a group of six smaller teams, each focused on a particular function. Each team is working to compile goals and action plans for the church in one area.

Are you involved in ministry? Ministry can be any activity you are involved in that touches the lives of others. Whether it takes place inside or outside the church, ministry is something you do in the name of Jesus Christ. There are three main areas in which ministry functions in the Body of Christ.

Personal Ministry: This is the type of ministry you do as an individual. There are two aspects that make up a person’s personal ministry. The first we have discussed lately in other sermons; it is life experience. God gave you guidance at certain times in your life so that you can do the same with others. Many of us have great opportunities to share with others in a variety of circumstances due to our life experiences. The second aspect of your personal ministry are your spiritual gifts. The Spirit gives everyone at least one spiritual gift, and it serves as evidence of the Spirit in your life. The church functions best when we all work together with our different spiritual gifts. Some of us may be skilled at teaching, or leading, or helping, or administration, but we all have room to use our talents for Christ.

Organized Ministry: Aspen Park has a call to meet specific people and needs, and conducts Organized Ministry through the church. Can you see how your experiences and spiritual gifts can support our ministries at Aspen Park:

Student Ministry Greeter Ministry
Children’s Ministry Deacon Ministry
Preschool Ministry Usher Ministry
Women’s Ministry Men’s Ministry
Missions Ministry Worship Arts Ministry
Women’s Missionary Union (WMU) Joy Ministry (Seniors)
Volunteer Ministry Prayer Ministry
Grief Ministry Finance Team
Personnel Team

Spontaneous Ministry: Sometimes this is the easiest type of ministry of all, but often it gets overlooked. If you see a need, just fill it! Sometimes thought of as random acts of kindness, or unplanned charity, if you do it in the name of Jesus Christ, it’s a form of ministry to others.

Other sermons in this series: